Sunday, 29 April 2012

Here's some new colour patterns of rat tails that i have knocked up, i have decided to simplify the patterns and they look really nice. The lure is proving to be a good pike catcher and the few people i have given them to have all caught pike. I will admit i was just trying to make a walk the dog lure with a tail at first, and then after experimenting with weight placement i found i could make the lure do all kinds of crazy things. A straight retrieve causes the tail to ripple on the surface like a fleeing rat, i like to give it a few jerks to get it walking and every so often pause and then reel like hell. Also really long pulls get the lure down and this is where it gets unpredictable the lure really has a mind of it's own and this seems to annoy pike. Also interesting is the fact i have yet to have a tail bitten off, the pike seem to dismiss the tail and t hit the body with some force.

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